Jonas Software acquires, manages and builds industry-specific software companies globally. Since 2003, we have acquired more than 100 businesses in over 30 vertical markets.

There are many companies that buy software companies. So what makes Jonas a different type of acquirer? We like to keep things simple…ABC:

  • Autonomy
  • Buy and Hold Forever
  • Culture of Sharing Best Practices

Maintaining a Decentralized Structure

At Jonas, we have a decentralized structure and do not seek to take over the day-to-day operations of our companies. We believe there is tremendous value that has accumulated over many years from long term customer and employee relationships. We honour the brand that has been built and wants to empower our companies to continue running their business autonomously.

“Once you are here, you are given the autonomy to make the changes that you feel are necessary. Jonas values the proprietary knowledge and experience that lives within each of the software companies that we acquire. I think it’s one of the secret sauces of what makes Jonas successful: that we don’t try to change that…we try to leverage that experience to build better businesses.”
Jim Fedigan – Group CEO, Jonas Club & Hospitality Portfolio

Check out our spotlight post about Autonomy.

Our Software for Life Promise

Since our beginnings in 2003, Jonas has never sold a company it has acquired. This is our “Software for Life” motto and we strive to be a great permanent home for companies that join the Jonas family. As perpetual owners, we care deeply about the long term health of the employees and customers of our businesses.

“We have a buy and hold forever strategy. When you take a buy and hold forever approach to acquisitions, you can be focused on maximizing long term value for both your customers and your employees.”

Barry Symons – CEO, Jonas Software

Check out our spotlight post about Buy and Hold Forever.

Culture of Sharing Best Practices

As owners of over 100 vertical market software companies, we have a strong track record of managing and operating our businesses. Given our focus on niche software businesses, many of our companies encounter similar problems and opportunities. As a result, we place a high value on sharing our experiences on how to run great vertical market software companies with those who are a part of the Jonas family through educational events, webinars, etc.

Jonas is a company with vast expertise and knowledge… One of the main benefits of Jonas ownership is their playbook on how to run and grow a successful software business and they’ve certainly brought that to our company.

Check out our spotlight post about our Culture of Sharing Best Practices.

Contact our Team

North America UK and Europe Australia and New Zealand
Andrew Patton
Director, Acquisitions & Strategy
Jonas Software
Sebastian Quarterman
M&A Manager
Jonas Software UK
+44 7702 902 372
Jeff McKee
Group CEO
Jonas Software Australia
+61 0428 046 931

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