Are You Ready to Sell? 

Many entrepreneurs faced with this question may feel that their situation is unique to them. If you can relate to any of the situations detailed below, you may be ready to sell your VMS business.

You’ve Changed

Looking back from when you started your business, to now, are you the same person? Probably not. The success you’ve created, the challenges you’ve overcome, and everything in between has impacted you in one way or another. Maybe you want to be face new challenges or you want to explore, new interests and they may not align with your current business, leaving you to sacrifice one or the other. Selling your business could be the solution to freeing up your time to spend it on what you want.

Eric Willing EZFacility

Here’s an example of how Eric Willin from EZ facility built on his initial passion for managing his business where he now leads multiple brands under Jonas as a portfolio manager.

Retirement and Personal Circumstances

You may be at the stage in your life where you want to retire, enjoy the life you have worked hard to build, and no longer want to actively manage your company. Selling your business could be what gives you this freedom! 

Though retirement is most often associated with selling a business for entrepreneurs, there are other life events such as marriage (maybe divorce but hopefully not), or even the birth of a child that may prompt you to reconsider your priorities; these are a few of the many major life changes that often serve as catalysts for introspection and can prompt you to reassess your personal and professional priorities. While the decision to sell your business should never be taken lightly, it’s important to remember that Jonas is always here to talk and structure an exit that meets your needs regardless of what life throws at you.

Acquisition Stories - MCR Systems

Matthew Gatter was ready to part ways with his business and found a partner in Jonas that would not only help him transition out of the business but would carry on his legacy.


The VMS landscape is constantly evolving. New market conditions can create the perfect time to sell your business to an acquirer that can provide strategic support and access to a network of other entrepreneurs.

Whether your company is growing quickly and needs additional resources or is struggling and needs turnaround advice; Jonas has deep expertise working with VMS companies in many different situations. Between our buy and hold forever M&A strategy and extensive operations playbook that has been developed over the course of two decades, Jonas seeks to be the world’s best partner to VMS companies of any size in any geography or vertical.

David Ineo Career Progression Stories Cover Image

David was looking for a partner that could help him take his business to the next level. Our expertise was the perfect fit for helping Ineo achieve new growth and success. .

How We Can Help

Ultimately, the decision to sell your business will always have nuances that are unique to your situation. That said, Jonas is committed to preserving legacies and nurturing growth, making us the ultimate home for VMS companies. We are here to build a relationship with you over the long-term and structure an exit that meets your needs on your own timeline.

Interested in learning more about Jonas and our buy and hold forever M&A strategy?

Book a meeting with us: 

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