Since the acquisition of Gladstone, our presence in the education vertical has grown significantly to serve over 10 different niches including post-secondary schools, tutoring centers, and more.

In this overview, learn about our history in the vertical as well as the companies that make up our great portfolio!


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Learn about our past performance in the vertical, where in 2020 we grew our portfolio to 4 companies. 




Acquired in 2024

Teachworks provides education businesses of all sizes with exceptional software that helps them simplify, automate, and grow their business.

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Mint UK Logo


Acquired in 2018

MINTclass transforms educational institutions and educators by utilizing student information so educators can better understand how to help their students and be more efficient in their lessons. MINTclass, gives teachers and school managers a suite of tools which they use on a daily basis to, save time, keep them informed and in control.

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crb-cunninghams UK

CRB Cunninghams

Acquired in 2013

CRB Cunninghams is a leading provider of cashless catering solutions to the UK education market with a focus on primary and secondary schools. CRB Cunninghams’ solutions are used in over 2,500 schools across the UK to help them run efficient and effective meal and nutritional programs as well as aid in the payment of those items to try to eliminate cash from the schools and the troubles cash can cause.

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Tucasi Uk Logo


Acquired in 2012

Tucasi creates software systems that help schools manage income more effectively. Their systems are designed to reduce workload in the school, create multiple payment options, improve auditability and much more. The Company’s systems have modules for Trips, Dinner Money, Extended Day, Lettings, Online Payments and Communications. Tucasi systems are a fully integrated solution for your school or college.

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Easytrace logo

AMI Education Solutions

Acquired in 2012

EasyTrace is the recognised market leader in the provision of “Smart” card and biometric solutions for Education. Having initially focused on cashless catering, the EasyTrace suite has grown to include a wide set of applications, all controlled by a single card or finger print. These include access control, follow-me print/copy, e-Registration, library management and locker access. These are all managed through a single database (called Infinity) and linked to your schools’ existing MIS or portal system.

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gladstone UK

Gladstone Education

Acquired in 2010

Gladstone Education specializes in providing “Smart School Solutions” which include Identity Management, cashless catering and facilitating access control integration using smartcard and biometric-based technology, and is a key supplier to the UK Government’s Academy Build Program. The company’s comprehensive suite of solutions ensure seamless integration with third party vendors, making our solutions the applications of choice for today’s schools.

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Our Vertical Leaders

Thomasina Ward

Group Leader

Steve Parrott

Managing Director – Tucasi & ami Education

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